FroadsPond NPCs
Non-playable-characters are characters that help facilitate events, activities, or act as fun interactions for your Froad to meet and greet. It's perfectly fine for your Froad to know or have a NPC in their backstory or to feature them in images...as long as you adhere to their personalities!
Tao (Group Mascot)
Tao is the FroadsPond mascot and is a "guide" of sorts, teaching others about Amarisian species and lore. Tao belongs to creator ScreamingAlien as a personal character.
Tao is easygoing and enjoys teaching or talking to other Froads. He's very helpful and enjoys spending time with others to assist them in whatever they need. Tao also enjoys travelling quite a bit and is currently working on making a cookbook!

Sal (Travelling Merchant)

Sal is the FroadsPond Shopkeeper. They will be in charge of facilitating any sort of your purchases you'd like to make, which can be explored more in our Shop tab.​
Sal is a laid-back Froad and is known to be trustworthy... Or at least just not energetic enough to try and swindle anyone. Sal is often found asleep at their shop and values their alone time. They're conversational, but they'll surely fall back asleep as soon as you leave. They're a hard worker when they put their mind to something, but they might need a bit of hyping up first.
Mimi (Nursery Owner)

Mimi is the Nursery Owner and caretaker in FroadsPond. She takes care of all of the unwanted or baby Froads! She can pop up in adoptable events trying to find homes for nursery Froads.
Mimi is kind-hearted and soft-spoken, always thinking before she speaks. She's motherly and is quick to trust, ever the optimist, and will make sure others are happy before anything else. She tends to wear herself out a lot so needs to be dragged away for a break every now and then, but her work means a lot to her. She has a big heart and the biggest pinch for cooking.
Batra (Mutation Researcher)

Batra is a mutation researcher and owner of the Mutation Shop here. They are who your Froad works with if they want to pursue mutations.
Batra was always interested in biology. They travelled across Amaris looking for clues, which led them to discover that mutations often occur in places heavily tied to magic, which were indicated by shards that grew nearby. Batra learned they could use them for his experiments! Batra experimented on themselves when learning. They're not very keen on body modifications and are opposed to experimenting on others, but sometimes offer their services to other Froads if they provide Batra with the right materials.
Copper (Shard Researcher)

Batra is a mutation researcher and owner of the Mutation Shop here. They are who your Froad works with if they want to pursue mutations.
Copper is a very energetic Froad who likes to ramble about their interests for hours. Despite their size, Copper has a big personality (and ego). Thanks to his antennae xe has special sensing abilities that help with locating shards. They also mastered echolocation to help with navigating through dark caves and mines!