Map of Amaris
Learn more about Amaris in the World tab or reference our maps below. Froads tend to settle in villages with their own subspecies but can intermingle without an issue. Each subspecies has a claimed nation and capitol. In total, there are six nations: Burugolia, Midagar, Crayssau, Askary, Haua, and Kocreya.
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Climate Map

Topographic Map

Political Map

The Nations
Generally speaking, the nations have no political tensions between them. Subspecies tend to settle with those of their own kind within the nations, though it's not uncommon to find different subspecies living in a nation that isn't theirs. Each nation is modeled after a real-life part of Earth and the technology of the world is at the 1700s.
For more general information on Amaris, visit the World tab.
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Burugolia is mostly home to amphibians and is modeled most of Southeast Asia. Burugolia is known for its grasslands, wetlands and forests, which provide perfect cover for its inhabitants to keep cool. A majority of the grasslands in Burugolia are inhabited, making the nation itself rather estranged from its neighbors. Despite this, Burugolia has the most advanced and productive farming society among Amaris. Burugolians take pride in their crops and other nations often jump at the opportunity to purchase goods from it. Many of the villages are settled around bodies of water or rivers and have open expanses of farmland surrounding them.
Midagar is the home of reptilians and is most like Northern Africa and Middle East. It is by far the most dry nation, and a lot of the nation is covered in extensive desert, grassland, and arid climates. Midagar is extremely unbearable to those who are unused to the sweltering heat and chilly nights, and traversing the desert is ill-advised without a guide. Despite this, Midagar residents are hardy and tend to settle in villages around the rare oasis or crossroads in a popular trade route. Midagar is popular for its rich culture and ores.
Crayssau claims mammalians as its residents and most resembles Central America and Australia. Crayssau has one of the most diverse nations in terms of population and nature with multiple different climates, including deserts, grasslands, thick forests, and temperate climates to the north. Crayssau is most known for its advancements in technology. It is also considered to have a stable climate which is best for the most diversity in subspecies. Crayssau is widely known to trade the most technology of the other nations, often paving the way in terms of intelligence and inventing. Many villages include larger buildings and machines.
Haua is inhabited mostly by aquatics and is most similar to Polynesia and the Pacific. Fittingly, a majority of Haua is underwater. It's rare to find non-aquatics living in Haua, as it is hard to leave and visit the villages without a strong and fast swimmer to get you in. A lot of Haua villages are purely underwater without access to air or are hidden in underwater caves. The biggest of Haua's villages are located deep underwater in wonderous caves. Haua is known for its fishing and precious gemstones, and Haua residents are often known as jokesters and personable Froads.
Askary is home to the avians, most resembling Eastern Europe. The majority of Askary is vast grasslands before jutting abruptly into high mountains. To the south are long strands of beaches which are popular tourist destinations for many Froads. Askary is known for its tourism, being regarded as the most beautiful nation objectively based on its land alone. The highest peak in Amaris is located in Askary. Its inhabitants settle among the peaks of the mountains or rise from the grasslands to the north. It is one of the most diverse in terms of village placement, but many avians in Askary are more than willing to open their door to travelers.
Kocreya, the claimed home of invertebrates, has most of its likeness of North America and Scandinavia. Kocreya is comprised of rather cool and mountainous regions with temperate climates and nutrient-rich soil towards the south. The invertebrates that reside in Kocreya are most known for their production of clothing, blankets, and other textiles. Kocreya is also known as one of the most closed-off nations in Amaris, with many saying it's for the better due to its cold climate. Most Kocreya villages are wary of outsiders and seem to arise from the landscape itself. Despite this, communities are tight-knit, and if you befriend a Kocreyan, they'll have your back for life.