Other Species
Froads aren't the only species in the world of Amaris! Read below to see some of the other creatures that inhabit the land and learn about how Froads interact with them.
Ponkeys are donkey or mule-like animals that are often companions or assistants to Froads. They are characterized by their broad backs, muscular bodies, small legs, wide ears and puffball-like tails. Ponkeys are naturally stocky and muscular, so their primary use is hauling or carrying large loads around that Froads can't do on their own. Temperament depends on the Ponkey but they're very intelligent and can often process requests and commands quickly! Wild herds of Ponkeys are relatively docile but tend to stay away from groups of Froads. Froads sometimes enter Ponkeys into shows, and prize-winning Ponkeys have high physical capabilities (tested by pulling various weighted loads) and beautiful manes and tails.
Lifespan: 25-30 years
Height: 4'10 ft (147cm) at the withers, females usually smaller
Status: Unregulated, free to make (with respect towards Ponkey breed standard designs)

Mounts & Working Animals
Voloreequi (often referred to as simply "Volo") are large reptiles with a chill demeanor. They're extremely strong but less agile due to their weight. Females live in small groups with their young while males are solitary and only join them during the mating season. Males can be territorial but rarely attack unless threatened. They reach maturity at 15 years old and keep growing in size until 40, males are usually bigger and more stocky.
Voloreequi give birth to live offspring, each brood can have up to 10 young. Young volos stick with their mothers until 4 years of age, usually only 3 cubs will live up to their adulthood. They can be found in the southern nations. They inhabit grasslands and semi-arid climates. Wild populations express different coloration depending on the region which helps them camouflage themselves but their domesticated counterparts exhibit more diverse coloring. Their diet is mostly carnivorous but they will often snack on vegetation to get other nutrients.
Lifespan: 60-150 years
Height: 3'9 ft - 4'6 ft (120 - 140 cm) at the withers, old males often larger
Status: Unregulated, free to make (with respect towards Voloreequi breed standard designs)
Kurro Bird
Kurro birds (otherwise known as just "Kurro") are very large, stocky birds with thick beaks and small wings. Kurro are entirely flightless, and have two claws on the ends of their wings. They're characterized by their large height, square-shaped beaks and long, thick legs. Froads can tame and own Kurro as mounts, and their most popular use is for riding. Kurro birds are a very inquisitive and relaxed species, and are very unbothered by most things due to their large size. They are very social, and it's common for Froads to own more than one! They often aren't the smartest and can get stuck in some sticky situations, but usually a firm hand is enough to correct them. Kurro bird racing is a new sport emerging to Amaris.
Lifespan: 30-50 years
Height: 8'0 - 10'0 ft (250 - 300 cm) head to toe, males usually smaller
Status: Unregulated, free to make (with respect towards Kurro bird breed standard designs)

Primarily living in colder climates, their thick wool and hardy nature have made Beeps the Kocreya's primary workhorse. Male Beep reach upwards of 12ft (365cm) from head to tail. Their sturdy horns and tails are used to plough through dirt, haul lumber, and mine stone. Female beep are significantly smaller, reaching just shy of 6ft (182cm) from head to tail. Beeps are well-adapted to maneuvering the cliffs of Kocreya's environment, making them a versatile mount as well as a working animal. Both stag and doe Beep grow thick wool between their armour plates, which is shorn and used to knit and weave the Kocreya's famous blankets and other textiles. Many wild Beep are a rich dark blue or brown in color, and are very passive and slow-moving. Livestock and hobbyist Beep breeders have found beautiful green and iridescent sheens in Beep colors.
Lifespan: 30-70 years
Height: 4'0 - 6'0 ft (120 - 180 cm) at the withers, males much larger than females
Status: Unregulated, free to make (with respect towards Beep breed standard designs
Beeps are created by Supreme--Leader for the February 2022 Creature Contest.

Gemsbeest are a desert-dwelling hooved mammals with long horns that bend halfway down its length. Both genders have horns, and they are primarily used to protect the precious food and water that they can find. They are herbivorous, usually eating the tough grasses and low vegetation, and are found in the harsh desert environment found in Midagar. Their large noses are especially adapted to be able to close during sandstorms, and their long lashes and second eyelid help with filtering out the sand. Their ears are tasseled, helping with pesky flies, along with their brush tail. This species has been domesticated, though it's better as a pack animal than being ridden, as their sloped backs and backwards slanting horns make it a bit of a hazard to ride or stay on. Their coloring has diversified significantly, with Gemsbeest breeders able to bring out extraordinary patterns and colors.
Lifespan: 10 - 18 years
Height: 2'6 - 3'6 ft (80 - 110 cm) at the withers
Status: Unregulated, free to make (with respect towards Gemsbeest breed standard designs)
Gemsbeest are created by BGArts for the February 2022 Creature Contest.

Boghogs are big, sluggish creatures with an easygoing temperament. They're often found in marshes or shallow bodies of water and spend the majority of their time eating water weeds and underwater plants. Boghogs aren't aggressive, but rather very relaxed as long as they're not prodded too much. They're characterized by their huge frame, thick and small legs, and their crown-like nose allowing them to relax under the water for most of their day. Boghog skin is very thick and can be used for armor. Some farmers and fishers in Burugolia raise boghogs as livestock, but their meat isn't the tastiest. They can be used to travel through swampy areas.
Lifespan: 40-70 years
Height: 5'9 - 7'2 ft (180 - 220 cm) at the withers, males usually bigger [170 cm tall Froad for comparison]
Status: Unregulated, free to make (with respect towards Boghog breed standard designs)

Bearbeasts are one of the most diverse creatures, being found in the plains of Askary, the jungles of Crayssau, and even the mountains of Kocreya. Bearbeasts are known for the beautiful and diversely colored fins on the arms of males, as well as their large, downward-sloping horns. Their skulls are extremely dense and many Bearbeasts use their heads as battering rams. They are solitary creatures and often live alone. Their diet consists of mostly meat, but they are omnivorous; they eat a lot, but often don't eat for several days after a good meal. Bearbeasts have eyes but are entirely blind, and rely on scent, hearing and touch to maneuver and hunt. Females are much more aggressive (especially with cubs,) but males are able to be tamed. They are slow-moving creatures, but males have been domesticated for working (carrying loads or pulling wagons.) Bearbeast breeding is very new in Amaris, as females are so hard to tame.
Lifespan: 30-50 years, 50-60 if domesticated
Height: 8'2 - 9'8 ft (250-300 cm) at the withers
Status: Unregulated, free to make (with respect towards Bearbeast breed standard designs)
Bearbeasts were created by Monstaria for the February 2022 Creature Contest.

Originated from nothern Askary, baarbogs since spread to Kocreya and Burugolia. These large ungulates are often used as livestock or mounts, the first being more popular. They're naturally brown with a lighter, sometimes even white, winter coat. Some farmers started to selectively breed uniquely colored baarborgs but so far they found very little success. Their name comes from the "baar" sound they make and "borg" meaning stronghold. Even with their size, Baarborgs are easily spooked when someone approches them from behind. They can also be very teritorial, Askarian farmers usually have at least one baarborg to protect smaller farm animals.
Lifespan: 15-25 years, up to 30 in captivity
Height: 8'2 - 9'8 ft (250 - 300 cm) at the withers. Bulls are usually taller.
Status: Unregulated, free to make (with respect towards Baarborg breed standard designs)

Wildenbeasts are large, unintelligent creatures that feature an extremely tough hide, four face tentacles, a prehensile tail and and an extremely flexible neck. When feeling threatened, Wildenbeasts will stand on their hind legs and tuck their soft neck in, brandishing their tough, sharp crest. They are generally placid creatures and are easy to work with. Many Wildenbeasts are dependent on Froads, and wild Wildenbeasts tend to stick close to settlements. Wildenbeasts are also able to live both on land and in water, making them the preferred workhorse for many Hauan natives. Because of their small intellectual capacity, some Froads struggle to get Wildenbeasts to work, and often settle for keeping them as domesticated pets.
Lifespan: 60-80 years
Size: 6'5 ft (200 cm) at the withers
Status: Unregulated, free to make (with respect towards WildenBeast breed standard designs)
Wildenbeasts were created by MonsteraSn00t017 for the February 2022 Creature Contest.

Pets & Companions
Handies (Handler Lizard)
Handies are a small species of terrestrial wild lizards that can double as household pets. Their size ranges from 15 to 25 inches from head to tail (28-64cm); their size depends on the amount of space and food they're provided. They can be found in many regions of Amaris, though stick to specific climate zones including (but not entirely limited to): rainforests, grasslands, semiarid zones, humid zones, and temperate zones. Handies are hardy creatures and can survive in most climates, but it would be preferable to keep them to the aforementioned zones for their comfort and safety beyond basic survival. They tend to be most common in Burugolia. [ click here for more info ]
Lifespan: 10-20 years
Size: 15-25 in (38-64 cm)
Status: Unregulated, free to make (with respect towards Handler Lizard breed standard designs)
Handies were created by battery-clippings for the February 2022 Creature Contest.

Speeplers are small and friendly lizards. They're often kept by farmers for pest control. Thanks to their claws, they can dig up pesky bugs to keep the roots and plants healthy. Some Froads also keep them as pets due to their cute appearance and easy care. Speeplers need high humidity to stay healthy and protect their slime coating, so most of them inhabit rainforests, swamps and jungles. Insects and small fish/amphibians are their main source of food. Their health is often demonstrated by the size of their tail (similar to leopard geckos,) and their cheek pouches often store their food.
Lifespan: 10-15 years
Size: 10- 5 in (25-38 cm) in length
Status: Unregulated, free to make (with respect towards Speepler breed standard designs)
Speeplers were created by goldbettey for the February 2022 Creature Contest.

Groggoms are large predators that typically inhabit wetlands. Their short and stocky body makes them sluggish while on land, but in water their webbed paws and strong tail turn them into excellent swimmers. They live in small packs of 3 to 4 and prey on creatures much larger than themselves (usually boghogs.) Their jaws hold a very powerful bite that tears through flesh and crushes bone easily. They have poor vision and hearing, relying on scent and their long whiskers to detect prey. Groggoms are extremely territorial and will attack any intruders in their area, inflating their necks and emitting a loud hiss as a warning. Attempts to domesticate them have proven unsuccessful due to their aggressive nature.
Lifespan: 30-50 years
Size: 2'6-3'2 ft (80-100 cm) at the withers
Status: Unregulated, free to make (with respect towards Groggoms breed standard designs)
Groggoms were created by Scarlett-the-Red for the February 2022 Creature Contest.

Leegmurs are creatures that cause a lot of mischief to Froads and other inhabitants of Amaris. They usually steal food and ransack homes by overturning furniture and raiding storage in an effort to find it! They are fast and incredibly flexible. One way to trick them (or make them loose interest in food) is to catch their attention with something shiny. They love gathering shiny items and decorate their dens with them. Some are loners but often they form larger groups or packs (3-8). They can be befriended/semi-domesticated; if you keep giving them food and forming a mutual relationship with them, they won't see you as a threat, but as a friend! And maybe the next time you see them...they'll have a gift for you! It doesn't stop them from being little rascals, but they will bring things for you this time, not steal them from you.
Lifespan: 25-40 years
Size: 8'2-9'8 ft (250 - 30 cm) at the withers
Status: Unregulated, free to make (with respect towards Leegmur breed standard designs)
Leegmurs were created by TasiraVVolf for the February 2022 Creature Contest.

Lily Claws
Lily Claws are air-breathing water-dwellers, floating along the top of the water, and their air-breathing gills are the flower-like structures on their pad-like backs. Their gills tend to be very colorful, coming in arrays of pinks and reds, but also purples and blues. Lily Claws prefer warm, mild climates, often found in Burugolia and Crayssau. They often stick to shallow areas so their long, dangly legs and tread across the bottom. In the event they are blown into deep waters, they have flipper-like fins on their tails to bring them back to a manageable depth. Lily Claws are scavengers, and often clean up dead plants and animals in the shallows. Lily claws never stop growing! They grow as long as their molt goes well and the waters in which they inhabit are bountiful in food. The biggest cause of Lily Claw death is predators or being flipped over on the water.
Lifespan: 5-100+ years
Size: Can grow until death
Status: Unregulated, free to make (with respect towards Lily Claw breed standard designs)
Lily Claws were created by NorthernMalagon-ARPG for the February 2022 Creature Contest.

Monarch Eel
The Monarch Eel is a common saltwater creature that can be found in the wild or tamed for animal husbandry and general companionship. They have venomous barbs fixed on their tongues and long tendrils which they can use to incapacitate their prey or opponents; however, Froads are immune to this venom since they use a similar venom themselves. Monarch eels have brightly colored fins which they can dull to nearly the same value as their bodies, or brighten in flashing patterns. This is called a “flare” and serves many communicative purposes, such as attracting a mate, intimidation, expression of thought and emotion, and more. They are often used as a companion to oceanic Froads who need protection, service, emotional support, or general companionship. It is easy to tame them from a young age and gets more difficult as the age, since they are food-driven and independent. Based on their environment, they can stay tiny or they can grow to the size of a whale!
Lifespan: 10-45 years
Size: 30-40 ft (11-12 m) in length
Status: Unregulated, free to make (with respect towards Monarch Eel breed standard designs)
Monarch Eels were created by sennyra & gabsnot for the February 2022 Creature Contest.

The Mountains
The Mountains is a massive creature intertwined deeply in the lore of Crayssau. According to legend, The Mountains took refuge in Crayassu after it fought a great battle and was deeply wounded. It is said that a young Froad found it and told her village. Everyone went to The Mountains and asked it how they can help its wounds. The Mountains asked them for as much food as they could provide. After the Froads gathered all their food and brought it to The Mountains, it smiled and took one orange and thanked them, telling them that their kindness and selflessness is all it needs to heal and it fell into a year long slumber. After a year it was awoken by the sound of celebration; every Froad in the nearby settlement were celebrating each others' kindness. This made The Mountains weep for joy, its tears falling to the earth made the soil all around extremely rich and fertile. Ever since, the Froads of that settlement will have a celebration each year to bring The Mountains joy and in return, a rich and fertile farming land. The festival has become popular with tourists, flocking to see the monstrous creature every year. Many believe there are multiple similar creatures existing across Amaris, but the only known Mountain is in Crayssau, and is often indistinguishable from the surrounding landscape when it sleeps. Local Crayssauans protect The Mountain fiercely from intruders.
Lifespan: unknown
Size: 6.2 miles (10 km)
Status: Only one known of in existence
The mountains were created by MonsteraSn00t017 for the February 2022 Creature Contest.