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World of Amaris

Amaris is a wondrous world full of amazing creatures, magic, and so much more. Froads live alongside the fantastical foliage and animals unique to the world. Read more about life on Amaris below and head to our Maps tab to learn more about where Froads have settled themselves across the world.

Lore of Amaris and The Deities

Amaris existed long before Froad-kind or their deities graced its surface. Before life, Amaris was a cold, frozen wasteland. The true beauty of its ground was hidden under jagged ice and swirling snow and icicles cold enough to freeze any organism trying to survive in such an environment.


The ice could certainly only be broken up by some great force... And a force it was. 


An asteroid large enough and moving with such force hit Amaris's surface, its heat warming the massive ice fields and its vigor striking fissures into the ground. Over the course of many years after the asteroid, the ice from Amaris began to melt, and the nutrient-rich, blank canvas of the planet began to show itself.


Seeing the opportunity on such a beautiful planet, the deities began to make their marks like skilled painters upon the land.


Lumis granted Amaris light. Her brother, Dalan, introduced the dark. Together, they shared their time in balancing the light upon the land while giving the planet time to rest during the dark.


Inmus found water deep underneath the planet's crust and brought it forth to create the oceans. Rising above the oceans was the land, fostered by Baldall. Although the two certainly bickered over what would be ocean and what would be land, the two goddess lovers surely reached an understanding, which became what has been known now as the map of Amaris.


Many other deities also laid their hands into the fledgling planet. Ozrus, god of the plants. Etris, goddess of seasons. Aesis, god of the wind. Phidses, goddess of rain and snow. 


Finally, Nymir, the god of life, brought the creatures to Amaris. Froads and their companions, the animals under their feet and those over them. Nymir created Froads to take care of the planet the deities created, and their companions to assist them in regulating it. Nymir's magic still traces across the land, with his magic flowing through the blood of his children and through the land they walk on.


Now, hundreds of years later, Froads continue to live on Amaris alongside the many creatures calling it their home.

Froad Society and Lifestyle

Froads are social creatures and tend to settle down in the form of villages. Froads also tend to live with those of their own subspecies. Each subspecies has a self-claimed nation and capitol. Read more about the nations in the Maps tab! Despite the subspecies having claimed lands, there are no political tensions between them, and it's common to find a Froad living in a different nation from their own subspecies or finding nomadic Froads.


Froads are mostly nocturnal and omnivorous, but often require a balanced diet or meat and plants. Froads use their venom pockets and snake-like bottom fangs to inject venom into their prey while hunting. However, some Froads who live in bigger villages or the captiols sometimes choose to remove their venom pockets due to not needing them any more. 


It's common to find more animalistic Froads as well as more civilized ones nature-wise. Similarly, Froads can use all fours to move around or can stand on their hind legs. Both are found in Amaris!


Froads speak Amarisian, which have multiple different dialects among the subspecies. It sounds like a mixture of caws, squawks and growls, and has written characters that are sometimes hard to read. Not all Froads can read and write, and it isn't normalized to be able to do so! Reading and writing is usually reserved for Froads of high status or who are relatively wealthy.

Froads don't have a social construct for gender. There are egg-laying Froads and non-egg-laying Froads, but these characteristics don't come with gender assignments, as the Froad language (Amarisian) doesn't include gender. Gender can be (and is) assigned in translation into our language (that's English)! Assigning genders to Froads is fine, but social constructs don't really exist for them, so identity and presentation is much more fluid. More about this is written in the next section, in Life Cycle / Reproduction.


Froads technology can be compared to that of the Middle Ages and takes some inspiration from solarpunk. Some technology is also reliant on magic. Although some Froads are able to channel the magic of the land, not all are able. Magic is a small but important part of Froad society. Many Froads who have magical abilities tend to be doctors or inventors. Many homes are often created out of thatching, wood, clay, crude plaster, or other easily-attainable resources.


Although many Froads believe in the deities that are said to have created Amaris, some consider them to be religiously distanced. Despite this, all Froads consider religion to be an important part of their beginnings on Amaris, and often make pilgrimages to pay respects to the deities. Again, see the Map tab for more information on this!


Amberdimes are the currency of the world.

Life Cycle / Reproduction

Froads usually live around 100 years under healthy circumstances.


Froads start off life as eggs. An egg-laying Froad can lay up to 20 eggs in a single clutch, but it's likely that only two or three will hatch. Because of the low rate of hatching in their eggs, Froads aren't too protective of them, and most are snagged by other Amaris creatures. The capitols and larger villages can have nurseries for egg care.


A Froadpole emerges from the egg anywhere from 40 to 60 days after being laid. A Froadpole begins to develop legs and autonomy about six months after hatching. Once a Froadpole is able to move around on its own with its new limbs, it is considered a Froadlet.


From there, a Froadlet's tail will thin and the Froadlet's markings will become more apparent. A juvenile Froad becomes a fully-fledged adult around the age of 18 years old. At this point, Froads usually stop growing and have reached maturity. Sexual dimorphism is very minor and not related to Froad's reproductive organs. (This stage can slightly differ depeding on the subspecies)


Froads are able to reproduce sexually between two compatible partners. One of the partners needs the ability to lay eggs, the other one to fertilize them. Some specimens can do both and on very rare occasions both partners end up laying eggs. That doesn't mean they can reproduce asexually, at least two unique parents are needed to create offspring.


It's also common for non-fertile Froads or couples who cannot have eggs to adopt abandoned eggs or Froadpoles from nurseries.

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