Rules and Regulations
FroadsPond is hosted primarily on DeviantArt and Discord. It's required to have a DeviantArt account to participate in the species, as that's where we have our masterlist and generally host events and adoptables!
Courtesy Rules
01. Froads are a closed species created by ScreamingAlien. Unapproved creation and distribution of the species is not allowed. The species is restricted by specific traits. Breaking rules can result in punishment such as blacklisting.
02. Staff can make mistakes. It is 100% okay to ask about something that seems off or if you find something amiss!
03. The terms FTO, AO, and MYO can appear in our resources. FTO stands for first-time-owner or someone who does not own a Froad yet. We often host FTO events for active members to win or design a free Froad. AO is already-owner, or someone who owns a Froad. MYO is Make-Your-Own, referring to how you can create your own Froad.
04. Be kind. Please don't take out unwarranted mean behavior on members and admins. Additionally, try not to vent or use our platform as a place to smack-talk other species, creators, or groups. We're just here for some froggy love.
05. Abide by all rules found within the FroadsPond resources. Our Discord rules are just as important as our rules here.
06. Staff can make edits to any rules as they see fit. Our rules are not static and can change as we learn and grow.
Transferring Froads Currency

AMBERDIMES (CURRENCY) - Amberdimes can be bought with USD or earned through events. They can be resold (1 Amberdime = $1), traded for FroadsPond characters or items, traded for non-species characters and items, or traded for art.
SHARDS (SECONDARY CURRENCY) - Shards cannot be bought with USD and are earned through events or Shard Prompts. They cannot be resold but can be traded for FroadsPond characters or items, traded for non-species characters or items, or traded for art.
EVENT POINTS (TIME-SENSITIVE CURRENCY) - Event points cannot be bought with USD and are earned through events to buy event items. They usually are time-sensitive and have a due date when they can no longer be used to purchase event items. Event points cannot be transferred, but members can offer to buy event items for someone with their points in exchange for non-currency trades (like characters or art.) Event points cannot be traded for Amberdimes or Shards.
Transferring Froads and Items
01. Froads can be created by staff or guest artists and through MYO creation. If your Froad MYO slot or any bought Froads are not on our Masterlist, please run it by our admins.
02. You may not resell your Froad for a higher amount than what it is worth unless you added or purchased artwork to the design. A Froad's worth is always listed in its Masterlist. You are allowed to raise this worth privately with added art. This applies to designs worth $0 as well. A good rule of thumb is that gift art does not raise your Froad's worth: generally only commissioned art does that.
03. Raffling designs for free is allowed. If you simply don't have the connection to a design you used to, you are more than welcome to raffle them off privately. Raffling will not change the value of a design.
04. Once an item is applied to a design, it cannot be removed unless you own another item that allows you to remove it. If it's listed on the Masterlist, it must be displayed in the Masterlist art and cannot be removed without another item. The only exception to this is clothing, which is not part of your Froad's physical body!
05. Purchasing items allows for upgrades to current designs and future application to other designs. Items have no time limit or exceptions to Froads. Receiving or buying an item allows you to apply it to an existing design or perhaps a future MYO.
06. Items can only be transferred for their worth in the shop. Over-selling or worth-ing an item is not allowed.
Ownership Rules
01. Co-owning is not allowed. Froads can only belong to one user when listed on the Masterlist.
02. Froads have a two week cooldown period in between trading and gifting to new users. Because a Froad's transfer log is always listed in their comments on the Masterlist, check the date of the last transfer comment. This applies to MYO slots as well, but does not apply to gachas.
03. MYO designs can be commissioned from other users. Ultimately, designs either come from you (as the owner) or are gifted/created by another user. Commissioned designs will not increase the base value of a Froad. Customs can be commissioned from staff and GAs only.
04. Slight changes to designs are allowed. Excessive edits or shuffling around traits require an item. When redesigning or changing anything about your Froad, even if you don't shuffle traits, it's safe to run it through our redesign channels on Discord.
05. If you're worried about trying to resell a Froad for too high of a price, reach out to a moderator about appraisals. Moderators can let you know if what you're asking is reasonable based on receipts of previous purchases for the character.
06. There is not limit to the amount of Froads one can own.
07. You are allowed to void your froads for any reason. MYO designs can be voided without any questions, you need to simply ask a moderator to void their masterlist. Staff made designs can be voided but depending on which artist designed it you might need to ask for permission or simply notify them.
hobogobbo - notify before voiding
pacifistpeach - notify before voiding
MochiRex - notify before voiding
RetroKaiju - notify before voiding
G3ck0s - can be notified if you wish to do so, not required
AesterTitan - notify before voiding
Caffeinated-Crow - notify before voiding
EMF-V - can be voided without notifying or asking
On One-Offs, Premades, and NPC Designs
One-offs are characters that look like Froads or resemble their characteristics, but are not approved Froads. We don't concern ourselves with policing one-offs or look-alike characters, but just ask that you don't advertise intentional one-offs through our Discord or DeviantArt!
Premades are Froads that are created with the intention to be given to MYO slot owners for use with their slots (essentially, unofficial adoptables.) Premades are not official Froads and are not approved as such without the ownership of a correct MYO slot to accompany it. We do not allow premades to be advertised in our server, and premades cannot be sold for money. We also do not allow premades to be treated as individual characters (making toyhou.se profiles for them, drawing additional art of them, etc). Premades can be swapped for art or characters. We realize we won't always be able to police this, but please know that buying a premade is not approved (as this is similar to adoptables, and this is a closed species!)
NPCs (Non-Playable Characters) are Froads that are not approved but are used solely for story purposes with approved Froads (such as a parent, a sibling, or a close friend.) We allow NPC Froads in moderation. You can design and feature NPCs in ways such as a family photo art piece, a story, or a brief mentioning in headcanons, but reoccurring NPCs will be heavily regulated. We just ask that the NPC doesn't turn into a PC (playable character), or a character that you talk or think about a lot!