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This is your how-to-guide to redesigning, including Redesigning Items or reversals.

Redesigning Basics

We generally ask that Froad redesigns resemble their original version and is recognizable as the same character. It's important to reference your edits after the original version, not necessarily the image used for their masterlist. (All Froads, if applicable, have an archive of previous designs in their masterlist under the "Previous / Original Design" link in their description.)


You can add or remove up to one color in your redesign (more requires the purchase of an item.) You can also have slight hue shifts in the full design. The only traits you can swap or change freely are eyes (within the common rarity only,) horns (within the same rarity only,) and tongue (within the common rarity only.) For example, you can change a Froad with slit eyes (c) to round eyes (c) and crooked horns (uc) to goat horns (uc), but would not be able to change from slit (c) to ringed eyes (uc) or pointy (c) to hook horns (uc). A Froad's subspecies also cannot be changed!


However, we have items in our shop that allow more extensive redesigns.


Redesigning Items

Redesigning Items are items that are specifically meant to help you redesign or edit your Froad, but do not increase your Froad's base value (unlike other items.) These items include the Colorful Dye, Illusion Ink, and Cleansing Spirit. Please know that Colorful Dye and Illusion Ink are not replacements for the Cleansing Spirit, and redesigns should still resemble the original. All of these items can be used limitlessly on any design and can be used on any design in general (including MYOs and staff designs alike.)


Colorful Dye allows you to add or remove two to five colors in your Froad redesign.


Illusion Ink allows you to swap or remove one trait in the common, uncommon, rare, unique, or mutation rarities. Legacy traits can be removed with this item but they cannot swap them, and celestial traits are not affected by this item.


Cleansing Spirit allows you to fully overhaul your Froad, without being limited by colors. It can also swap up to five traits (not including legacy traits) or remove up to three traits from your Froad.


Reversing Designs

Reversals are when an owner of a Froad decides to go back to an older design available in a Froad's Design Log. Design Logs are listed in a Froad's Masterlist in the "Previous / Original Design" link. This option is primarily for aesthetic or  design/markings/colors changes in redesigning (not traits). Froads can be reverted to any older design, but there are some things to keep in mind when doing so:

  • If a user decides to revert to an old design after additional traits have been applied, users can revert to the design without the applied traits, free of cost. However, if multiple items/traits have been added in one design change (as listed in the Design Log), users cannot pick-and-choose which traits to keep; either all of them are reverted or an Illusion Ink must be used to remove unwanted traits.

    • The exception to this is when traits were added at different points in a Froad's Design Log. For example, if a Froad had two different traits added at two different times and the owner wants to revert to the design after the first trait addition but before the second trait addition, they can remove the second trait and keep the first trait without needing Illusion Ink (as long it's clear they're reverting to that design, aesthetically.)

  • If there are traits a user wants to keep on a Froad but are not present in old art, the old art must be edited (with permission from the original artist) or new art must be drawn.

  • Reversing designs is not a way to avoid using the Illusion Ink. If a user decides to revert to an old design, the Froad still must be aesthetically close (through markings and colors) to the reversal.


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