the nation of oceans and fishing

Haua is one of the most exclusive nations in terms of accessibility, and it's quite rare to find other subspecies living in the area...mostly due to the majority of the nation being underwater. Waters are often temperate, with ocean tides not raising or lowering the temperature exponentially and therefore providing the best levelled ocean temperatures compared to other Amaris oceans. Haua has a beautiful world of flora and fauna underneath the waves, including colorful coral reefs. Some Hauan villages are settled right on the ocean's floor in the white sand, but some aquatics also settle in underwater caves and chasms. Hauan caves are some of the most beautiful sights to behold in Amaris, and many adventure-seekers capable of taking the plunge make trips just to see gemstone-lit caves with waterfalls and rivers. There are small islands around Haua, but none are large enough to support large villages and often are either uninhabited or have small villages.
Hauans are very curious and friendly! They love exploring and learning about other cultures of Amaris. Those who live in Haua's underwater caves live in large communities that provide and care for each other. Even though they originally evolved to breathe underwater, they are slowly starting to adapt and gain the ability to live on land. Their skin still requires high humidity so they usually settle on islands or near large bodies of water or rivers. You can regularly find them telling stories about the deep oceans in taverns, whether these stories be real or not, and they always reach big audiences! Hauans also help with finding amber in exchange for various goods, and make great fishermen.
Hauan cuisine isn't very diverse and mostly consists of raw fish and marine plants. They did influence many dishes by providing exotic fish and crustaceans. With help from trading, Hauans will occasionally use various spices.
If living on land, they usually occupy homes built by local froads but decorate them with shells, marine reptiles' scales and skin. Underwater residences are furnished with beautiful corals and shiny stones.

Local Attire
Hauan attire relies on flexibility and the ability of its aquatics to swim freely around the nation. Some Hauans even decide to go without clothes due to feeling as though they're restraining when moving underwater. However, Hauan attire includes thin and movable fabrics, often sheer or tight-fitting, or other fabrics capable of moving easily in the water. Jewelry is common in many outfits, which includes seashells or prizes of other crustaceans or fish living in the ocean with them. Overall, Hauans avoid restrictive clothes, and rarely have hats.