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Past Events

An archive of all our events starting from the Spring 2020 FTO MYO Event that helped us launch the species!

MYO Events

Spring 2020 FTO MYO Event (April 12 - May 12, 2020)


Created Designs


Spring 2021 FTO MYO Event (April 11 - April 30, 2021)


Created Designs


Valentine's Free-For-All MYO Event (February 7 - February 21, 2022)


Created Designs

Guest Artist Terms

Advent 2020 Calendar Term (December 12, 2020)

GAs created two holiday-themed designs in two weeks as part of an Advent Calendar reveal!

Advent Calendar Information - Created Designs

featuring battery-clippings, Ayakatsuka and goldbettey


Summer 2021 Gacha (August 2021)

GAs created five designs using an unique gacha base for a summer-themed gacha event!

Gacha Information - Created Designs
featuring Retro-Kaiju, sonic--guy and Gabster08


Sal's Treasures Raffles  (November 2021)

GAs created raffled designs as prizes for participation in Sal's Treasures!

Created Designs
featuring goldbettey and LinkaBellARPG


New Year's Term (January 2022)

GAs were asked to design Froads for the month of January through customs and adopts!

Created Designs
featuring M0ssb4ll and jelon-melon


Summer 2022 Gacha (August 2022)

GAs were asked to design Froads with summer themes for an on-base gacha event!

Gacha Information - Created Designs
featuring ErmineLeader, goosejellos, Kujiikins, sennyra and Winelys-11

Lore-Related Events

Sal's Treasures (October 15 - November 27, 2021)

Exploration-based lore event! The more points participants gathered, the more items were added to the Upgrade Shop.



Creature Contest (January 6 - February 11, 2022)

Members were asked to design their best creatures for the world of Amaris!



Valentine's Mini-Event (February 14 - February 28, 2022)

Mimi asked fellow Froads to help prepare a Valentine's meal. Members earned points in order to purchase Legacy Traits.



Haua Lore Event (July 14 - August 29, 2022)

Tio asked crayssaurian adventurers to help them find ancient treasures in Haua.

Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3

Miscellaneous Events

Summer 2020 Gift Art Event (June 16 - August 31, 2020)

Drawing others' Froads as gift art awarded participants with Amberdimes!



Halloween 2020 and Batra's Lottery (October 1 - November 30, 2020)

Drawing or writing for prompts allowed participants to earn Amberdimes and enter a lottery for limited-time items and more!
Batra's Lottery Submissions


New Year's Raffles (January 1, 2021)
To celebrate the new year, members entered free raffles for MYOs, items, Amberdimes, and designs from staff!


Egg Hunt 2021 (April 5, 2021)
Staff hid eggs around the Froads DeviantArt page for members to find and enter into raffles for MYOs, items, and designs!


Show Your Colors (June 1 - June 30, 2021)

Members showed their Froads' identities in a Pride Event with raffled prizes from MYOs to items to Amberdimes!



Gift Exchange 2021 (December 1 - December 25, 2021)

Members were assigned individuals to draw for in a community art swap event.



Permanent Gift Art Event Opened (January 6, 2022)

The opportunity to earn rewards for drawing fellow Froads opened permanently.



Mer-May Mini Event (May 10 - May 31, 2022)

Members could engage with fish-tastic prompts in order to win special event prizes and rewards.



Pride Raffles (June 27, 2022)

Staff created colorful designs to raffle off, as well as a variety of different traits.


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